Laguna Beach Community Foundation (LBCF) is committed to the advancement of philanthropy. Our primary goal is to encourage a greater level of charitable giving to nonprofits. We achieve this by assisting and supporting donors, professional advisors and charitable organizations in establishing charitable funds. LBCF accepts cash and noncash assets such as publicly traded stocks, bonds, mutual funds, privately held stocks and all forms of non-liquid real estate.
The Community Foundation has expertise in charitable giving. We educate and assist with establishing current charitable gifts, charitable estate planning, charitable legacy bequests and other charitable giving methods.
Laguna Beach Community Foundation provides asset and investment management and oversight for a wide variety of charitable funds including but not limited to the following:
Laguna Beach Community Enrichment Fund: donations to this fund are one of the most flexible and impactful ways to give and will benefit Laguna Beach for the long-term. In addition to supporting LBCF operations these donations enable LBCF to make grants to address emerging and current problems including the needs of vulnerable populations in Laguna Beach and to support high priority areas in our community.
Donor Advised Funds (DAFs): permit donors to make a charitable donation to LBCF at any time and take an immediate tax deduction. Over time, donors may recommend grants to support qualified nonprofits of their choice in Laguna Beach or elsewhere. A tax advantageous alternative to private foundations, DAFs offer similar benefits while eliminating burdensome regulatory requirements. DAFs may be named after a family, a loved one, or kept anonymous. DAF donors organize their charitable giving through one easy to establish fund. LBCF staff complete the required due diligence on charities recommended to receive grants and send the donations with a personalized cover letter. The DAF holder is informed by email when the donation is completed. Please click here for our DAF Fees.
Field of Interest Funds: are extremely flexible and enable multiple gifts from many donors to create a fund to support a broad charitable purpose addressing a particular concern. (For example, art, environment, education, youth, seniors, animal welfare or the LBCF Disaster Relief Fund.)
Nonprofit Designated Fund: created for the benefit of a specific nonprofit, the fund is managed by LBCF with the funds to be used for the benefit of the nonprofit. (Examples: Crystal Cove Education and Environment Charitable Fund; Glennwood House Fund and One World One Ocean Foundation Fund)
Donor Restricted Endowment Fund: A fund with an investment goal of producing income, a portion of which may be spent to support one or more qualified nonprofits. The principal amount in the endowment remains intact in perpetuity unless otherwise specified by the donor.
Legacy Gifts: Bequests in wills or living trusts directed to a specific LBCF Fund or to support LBCF general operations.
Printer Friendly: List of Fund Types